Thursday, May 27, 2010

Said, seen and heard on the run today...

We took a new route today. Through downtown, over by the lake:

Random woman walking past us, mumbling, "...and that produced a demon..." Mel kept running. Lynn and I lost it and had to stop to laugh.

"You know what I hate? After a 5K when some old guy comes right up against you and he's all sweaty and you feel his sweaty chest hairs on your arm...I'm like shave that stuff off!"

"Ew. Naked guy."

"My butt still hurts."

"C'mon, Mel, we'll follow your ass for a little while."

"Lynn is the skinny exclamation point."

"Ya see...this is why I run with you's therapy."

"We need to start a blog..."

"When you run past a place where people are eating, they look at you like, "that's what I should be doing"...they avert their eyes." "Yeah, I've noticed that with smokers, too." "They're probably thinking about what their doctor told them how they should lose weight, eat better, stop smoking." "Actually, they're probably thinking, "BITCHES". :)

That is all.

1 comment:

  1. I totally think "show off!" when I used to see runners go by. Now I can't make eye contact out of guilt! :-)
